Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chp9.1: Classical conditioning

Your favorite food and the whistle

Classical Conditioning
Association between natural and neutral stimulus.



Automatic or natural reaction to a stimulus.

E.g. You are hungry.


Learned reaction.

E.g. Next time when you heard the whistle, you’ll feel hungry.
Neutral Stimulus

Before it work along with conditioned stimulus (CS).

E.g. Someone blew the whistle but it did not appear at the same time with the smell of the food. The whistle itself.


A thing that cause you to response automatically.

E.g. The smell of food, that makes you hungry.

Paired with UCS

E.g. When the whistle and your favorite food appeared at the same time and it was paired multiple times.


Examples of Classical Conditioning
lbullet.gif (682 bytes)Your romantic partner always uses the same shampoo. Soon, the smell of that shampoo makes you feel happy.
lbullet.gif (682 bytes)The door to your house squeaks loudly when you open it. Soon, your dog begins wagging its tail when the door squeaks.
lbullet.gif (682 bytes) The nurse says “Now this won’t hurt a bit” just before stabbing you with a needle. The next time you hear “This won’t hurt” you cringe in fear.

Taste Aversion        
lbullet.gif (682 bytes)
You have a meal at a fast food restaurant that causes food poisoning. The next time you see a sign for that restaurant, you feel nauseous.
I.P PAVALO- discovered Classical Conditioning. He did not believe in the new science of psychiatry but he believed conditioned reflexes could explain the behavior of psychotic people.

 Difference Between CLASSICAL and OPERANT

Classical conditioning just involves the pairing of stimuli and the association that results between the two. A behavior that would normally be the result of one stimulus becomes the result of the other also due to the association created. Pavlov's dogs salivating at the sound of the bell they'd come to associate with being fed is an example. NO CHOICE

Operant conditioning requires that the subject perform some action (and that the action is either rewarded or punished to either encourage or discourage the behavior.) It's usually used for behavior modification. VOLUNTARY

-CR occurs gradually
-The more you ring the bell together with the food, the more the dog salivates.
-BELL (CS) work best at ½ second before FOOD (UCS), then Yield them.
-Opposite of EXTINCTION

Generalization vs. Discrimination
-G: Dentist drill freak you out, and other equipment that creates the same sound will freak you out too.
-D: Dentist drill and the other equipment make similar sound but only the dentist drill scares me.
-Repeatedly ring the bell without food
-CR died out
E.g. He always rings the bell (CS) but never bring food, then the dog won’t salivate (CR) as much as before. It’s because when food and bell(UCS) weren’t put together, and the bell works alone, the dog wont salivate as much as before.

Spontaneous recovery
- When Pavlov rings the bell without the food, at first the dog will get excited and start salivating (a bit) but then it will stop.
-its like a period of excitement or realization

Little Albert
-John. B. Watson & Rayner
-TRAINED little Albert to be scare of furry animals (used classical conditioning)

extra info:


the C.C


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