Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chp9.2: Operant Conditioning

Operant Conditioning

O.C is going to make a choice, either choose Irene or Dilly.
His situation is similar to Operant Conditioning!!!!
to either fall for ONE of the type;  INCREASE (Reinforce) or DECREASE (Punish) a behavior.

the formula:  OC= I or D

Reinforcement = Reinfourcement
(P, N, Pri, Sec)
1. Positive
2. Negative
3. Primary
4. Secondary
 (C.R) = secondary. re (S.R)
*remember: its reinFOURcement, so there are four things in Reingorcement!

The first time I got an A in English class, my mom gave me more allowance. In next time English class, I still got an A because I want more allowance so I put more effort. Positive Reinforcement

When I have headache, I take the pills to get rid of the pain. Negative Reinforcement
Samantha slapped her son when she saw him taking money out of her wallet without her permission. Punishment
 A dog always goes to the neighbor’s house for bones. Primary Reinforcement
The neighbor always pet and hug the dog when she gave the food and even says GOOD JOB! Secondary Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement VS. Punishment
*punishment suppress bad behaviors
*n.r eliminates bad behaviors 

Schedule of Reinforcement

Ways to know the Difference!

*Ratio is a mirror, look at that!
 R--> R (its a mirror); Ratio= Response

*Interval= Time unit;   I--> T (almost a mirror)

*Dam! This is our __nth time to fix our old computer!
Fixed= nth of sth; F--> __nth 

* Violet gna get an A on this! but the variable turned out to be average
V--> A; Variable= average;  


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