Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ch. 10 Section 2 : Memories

Section 2
Recognition – Being able to recognize by sound, pattern, a appearance and automatically recognize
Recall – Retrieval of learned material
Reconstructive processes
Confabulation - Filling gaps in memories
Schemas – Things that are not in your schema cannot be memorized
Eidetic memory – Visual recall of events (think photographic pictures)

State-Dependent Learning – e.g. when you’re upset with someone, you remember the past events that you’ve been upset with the same person.
Decay – fading of memories over time
Interference –
Proactive interference – old memory blocks new memory
Retroactive interference – new memory blocks old memory
Amnesia – loss of memory resulting from blow to head or brain damage
Infant amnesia – not being able to remember what we did as infants
Improving memory
Meaningfulness and Association
Elaborative rehearsal – the linking of new information to material that is already known
Mnemonic devices – techniques use to memorize and retrieve information.


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