Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Chp9.3: Social Learning

Cognitive learning

Learned Helplessness

-SGI the 3 thing in LH
Stability: Oh...i was sick this time so..i did bad in the test.
Globality: I am just dumb!
Internality: above showed the examples

it can cause careful!!!


 – learned from imitating or copying a behavior in order to learn it.
e.g.: In Gym class, the P.E teacher shows you how to swing a baseball bat, you watch and try to imitate him.

Behavior Modification
The learning theory family--> C.C, O.C, Modeling

When I mess up the kitchen, my mom told me to clean up everything. She did not ask me why did I mess it up. But she forced me to either clean up the kitchen or cant watch my favorite show for a week.

Computer-Assisted Instruction
– Instant rewarding of positive behavior
e.g.: Answering the correct answer in a video game and getting a reward for it.

e.g. Behavioral contract: reinforcing desirable stimulants with undesirable acts such as chores can cause the unpleasant chore to become bearable.

Token Econ. = $$

-desirable behaviors are reinforce (reward) w/ valueless object, and then exchange it to valuable obj.
-Everyone loves $$

$$=Money =Reward= 2nd Reinforcer= Reinforcement= Increase My behavior!!!


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